BAMBI Magazine January 2023

Cover of BAMBI Magazine January 2023 issue

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Dear members

Welcome to our January issue! I can’t believe the past year has just fled us. This issue we explore, ‘embrace and rebuild’, with January being a time of new beginnings. I recently read a quote that stated, “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” This is when we make new goals and plans; the time we resolve to be a better version of ourselves. But that can’t be done without learning from our past selves and embracing the lessons we’ve been taught.

BAMBI is no different. We recently celebrated our 40th birthday, and as a reflection of that and to commemorate it, we’ve adopted a new logo. It is still the same beloved BAMBI, upholding the same values, but with a new look.

​​​​​I’ve learned quite a few things about myself this past year. From moving to Bangkok, to starting as a BAMBI volunteer almost immediately, I didn’t know I was capable of doing so many things until I actually did them. I now love the challenges that have come my way, though to be honest, I didn’t in the past. I’ve learned to take them in stride (although not as easy as it sounds). And as much as we should learn from the past, it doesn’t bode well to dwell in it. We should keep our past in mind, but always strive to be a better version. After all, danger lies in not evolving.

Finally, I would like to reiterate, BAMBI is an organization run entirely by volunteer moms. We are always looking for more volunteers. Come help us run a playgroup or an activity. Or explore the other vacancies we have! All we need is a few hours from your busy schedule. I can attest to the fact that being a volunteer has opened up so many new experiences for me. Entering as a complete newbie, the BAMBI family has been so welcoming; it’s amazing!

As always, a huge thanks to our members and their support. It gets us excited to keep doing what we do.

I would like to wish each and everyone a wonderful year ahead. Go write the best book you’ve written yet! Thank you.


BAMBI secretary


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