BAMBI Magazine April 2023
View BAMBI Magazine April 2023 PDF
Hello everyone!
Just like that we are in April already! The hottest month of the year and the official summer of Thailand. Hope you are all surviving the blazing sun, the intense heat, the humidity, and everything in between. April is a month where many festivals from various cultures and religions coincide.
The most important one being Songkran—the Thai new year, aka the water festival! For a couple of days this month be prepared to be splashed with water in public...and you are not allowed to get angry as they are blessing you! It’s all about making a fresh start with a splash. Wash away all the bad juju and negative energy in your life and the new year will be better.
Another tradition of this festival is a white powder paste locals might dab on your face, also as a blessing. As always, when playing outdoors with your children, do be careful and cautious as during festivities people sometimes get carried away and are not as mindful as usual. If you prefer to stay dry and indoors, you may see statues of Buddha on display at malls and department stores; feel free to pour some scented water over the statue’s torso and body for good luck.
In this issue, we will explore the different celebrations and festivities from different parts of the world. For my Cantonese-Thai-Taiwanese mixed family, we celebrate all the mainstream festivals from Chinese New Year, Songkran, and Halloween to Christmas, and all the happy days that bring us joy. We are not particularly religious, and having studied at an international school in Bangkok, we feel wonderful that our son can enjoy all these wonderful traditions from different cultures and religions.
As COVID slowly fades away, we are seeing more and more members join us for our playgroups and events. BAMBI is run entirely by a group of volunteers and we are always looking for more help. If you can spare some time to help build this community, do reach out to any of our team members or check out the “Call for Volunteers” section in this magazine for vacant positions.
Have a fantastic Songkran!
BAMBI playgroups coordinator/BAMBI executive board