BAMBI Magazine June 2023


Cover of BAMBI Magazine June 2023 issue

Dear BAMBI members,

Time flies, doesn’t it? It’s June and we’re now approaching the second half of 2023, and that means the end of the school year for the kids. Holidays here we come! After three years of social distancing and staying at home, we can finally travel fairly freely again.

Last year, we took our first long-haul flight with our son. It was 16 hours of pure, unadulterated chaos. When he finally slept—for only four hours—I vowed there and then that I would never again travel with my toddler and inflict this torture on myself. Somehow though, after a month of dreading our flight back, when it actually happened, he was an angel: no tantrums, ate his food, and slept most of the way through. Needless to say, I never kept that promise, and we’ve since taken lots of trips together. Although none have ever gone as smoothly as that flight back, the joy, wonder, and memories we’ve created as a family more than make up for it. Also, we’ve leveled up as first-time parents and are now armed with surprise snacks in pill boxes, an array of different activities and games for the trip, and, if all else fails, his favorite shows downloaded to our phones.

Anyway, without further ado, in preparation for the upcoming holidays, this issue is all about travel. We’ve got you covered with practical travel tips and information to prepare you for before and during your trips. In BAMBI website news, we have been diligently working on ways to improve your online experience; from events listing and registrations to member sign-up and renewals. Look out for updates in the coming months. May your holidays be smooth and (relatively) stress-free. Make wonderful memories together!

BAMBI website coordinator