BAMBI Magazine March 2022

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Dear members, 

Welcome to our March edition. Once again, due to not having enough volunteers and the continued COVID-19 variants holding us back, at the time of writing this letter, we took the difficult decision to pause the reopening of BAMBI. However, I hope that by the time you are reading this, we are in a better position and have moved forwards! 

This month, we explore the theme of mental health. 

 Whether it's the day's routine, what errands need to be completed, what needs to be prepared for the next day, or what appointments need to be booked, a mother’s mental load is HEAVY!

Do we talk about it enough? Personally, I don't think so. One thing I’ve learned—especially after my second baby was born—is that the load needs to be shared and things on the ‘to do’ list are not always ‘mum’s job’. 

For a lot of us, we’re not able to go back to work, and so we put our careers on hold. However, I’ve learned to realize that I’m raising children, and that is a big job in itself and we need to recognize the value in it.

We need to be kinder to ourselves—we are enough. 

Have a great month ahead.

BAMBI Executive Board

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