BAMBI Magazine May 2024

Cover of BAMBI Magazine May 2024

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Dear BAMBI families,


I hope everyone had a pleasant time visiting family and friends as well as enjoying all the festivities during Songkran. Every year at Thai New Year, my family would drive to Ratchaburi province and make merit at the temple. For me, it is a time to reflect, be grateful, and pay tribute to our loved ones who have passed by offering alms and essentials to the temple. 


It’s already May and I honestly can’t believe we're almost halfway through the year. The energy of 2024 has been really fast paced—a year full of change, new beginnings, and abundance. It has certainly been that kind of year for me, and I’m hopeful for what’s to come in the next couple of months.


This month’s edition is about nurturing mental health and prioritizing family well-being—a topic that is dear to my heart. Growing up without much family support through my adolescence, and then becoming a mother myself, were the deciding factors in me pursuing a career in mental health and well-being education. Not only did I believe that fostering my child’s emotional intelligence and resilience was crucial, I also wanted to have a greater impact by helping other families. On top of that, my healing and spiritual journey has led me to realize the importance of prioritizing my needs and well-being so that I can have greater capacity to take care of my family. This has become my passion in the past few years and I am humbled to be learning everyday.


BAMBI has also been growing consistently these past couple of months. In April, we wrapped up a wet and wild Splash Bash and a festive Me-Time embroidery workshop right after the long holiday. We also expanded the database team to improve the overall membership and renewal experience for our families. If you haven’t done so and would like to, we ask that you opt in to receive your monthly magazine in your profile. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and our newest social media addition, LinkedIn, to stay up to date.



BAMBI executive board member and database coordinator


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