Introducing Sex Education To Your Child By Age 性教育はなぜ必要?幸せな大人へと導くためのステップ

Sex education: we know it’s important but are not always comfortable with it. Let's think about why sex education is necessary.  


By Noriko Andersen / Translated by Fumi Yasui[日本語記事へ]  


As a “sex-education navigator,” I meet many parents who are worried about sex education for their children.

“My kid asked me how babies are made…”

“My kid is touching their genitals. What should I do?”

“My kid is watching porn on the internet!”

“My kid is a junior-high student — should we start sex education?”


Telling parents how to answer such questions is simple, but it’s not a real solution. The fundamental problem is that parents feel they are not good at sex education. Most parents I meet agree that sex education is important but they don’t fully understand why it is important and necessary.  


Why is sex education necessary?

So why is sex education necessary? I think the answer goes back to the question, “what is your goal in child-raising?” Most parents would probably say that their fundamental goal as a parent is to help their child become independent and happy adults. Becoming an independent adult means having financial and mental independence, so parents give their children educational opportunities and other experiences. An independent adult also needs to be “sexually independent.” What do I mean by that?

It means:

  • Understanding how the human body works
  • Being conscious about protecting your body
  • Respecting other people's bodies and opinions
  • Recognizing what is comfortable/uncomfortable to your body
  • Being conscious about protecting your sexual health


I consider a person who understands these points as a “sexually independent adult.” And in order to raise our children to become sexually independent adults, we as parents need to be brave and educate our children about sex.  


Messages by child development stage

There are some messages to convey to your children, by age and stage of development.


  • “We're so happy you're here!” — show your babies that you love them

Preschoolers to school-age children

  • How boys and girls have different body parts
  • What is a good/bad touch
  • Talk about animal mating to introduce human reproduction

Children around 10 years old

  • Changes in the body’s secondary sexual characteristics (i.e., pubic hair, enlarged breasts and widened hips for females, and facial hair and Adam’s apples for males)
  • “No means no. If someone asks you to stop, you stop.”

Junior-high schoolers

  • How to prevent unexpected pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
  • Sex education at school and society also becomes important

High schoolers

  • What is sexual consent
  • Information children need to protect their own sexual health


The children of most BAMBI News readers are probably still young. For toddlers to younger school children, focus on conveying how much you love them and how important they are to you, to help build your children’s self-esteem. Make them appreciate and respect their own bodies, let them know that they are precious to you.


Sex education is necessary for kids to become independent and happy adults. Don't avoid talking about it with your children just because you feel uncomfortable; think of it as another one of your responsibilities as parents. I hope you will be able to talk about human life and sexual issues with your children in a fun and positive way.  














ほとんどのママ達は、子供への性教育が大事だと思っています。でも、なぜそれが大事なのか?どうして必要なのか?まで、深く考えたことがある人は少ないのではないでしょうか。なぜ、性教育は必要なのでしょうか? 質問を変えますね。皆さんの育児の目的・ゴールは何ですか?  












これらのことを理解している人が「性的に自立」した大人だと私は考えます。そして自分の「性」も大切にできる「性的に自立した大人」に育てるには、私達大人が恐れずに、子供達に性を伝えていくこと、すなわち性教育が必要となるのです。 ここでは、成長のステージ別に押さえておきたいポイントをお伝えします。  
















About the Author

Noriko Anderson is a “navigator of sex education” and birth coordinator. In her “sex education at home” workshops, Noriko teaches about life and sexual issues parents can talk about at home with their children. If the adults change their consciousness, children will change; if children change, the future will change!

性教育ナビゲーター/バースコーディネーター。 「明るく、楽しく、オープンに」性を語ろう!をモットーに、家庭で伝える性教育講座を開催。大人の意識が変われば子どもが変わり、子どもが変われば未来が変わる!そのはじめの一歩として、家庭でできるいのちと性のお話を伝えている。

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