Parental Escape: Me-Time Workshops by BAMBI

Small dot paintings done on canvas

By Sara Chow

During the challenging COVID-19 pandemic, BAMBI was forced to shut down all our activities, including our Me-Time workshops. We were delighted to bring back this popular parent-only offering toward the end of last year with some fun and inspiring sessions.


In October, we held a dot painting workshop hosted by artist Amy Diener. Creating art is Amy's way of expressing her journey through life. Painting is her positive outlet, and her art reflects her life and the world around us. She creates detailed dot paintings of mandalas, animals, trees, flowers, portraits, and figures. This workshop was a rejuvenating experience where we were able to take a break from parenting duties and indulge in a calming and creative activity. All the attendees got to relax, unwind, and express their artistic side.


We had a change of pace in December with our Zumba workshop led by teacher Bambi Lerat. Bambi is a Zumba® Education Specialist (ZES™) and has been dancing since the age of four. She brings party vibes to every single class she teaches, and she connects to every song through musicality and emotion, so that everyone can feel connected in the same way. Bambi says, “Dance is a universal language—we all understand each other through the art of motion through music. It’s a safe space for everyone to feel like they belong”. All the attendees had so much fun while getting a good workout!


This year we’re planning workshops that cover various interests such as drawing, painting, creative writing, and other fun experiences and hobbies. No prior skills are needed—just a willingness to retreat from the daily hustle and take a few hours away from your parental responsibilities to get creative and unwind with a community of like-minded peers.


Check our website calendar for up-to-date information on our upcoming Me-Time sessions. We hope you’ll join us!


Photos by BAMBI photo team.

About the Author

Sara is a Cantonese (Hong Kong) - Thai mixed Mommy who has lived in Bangkok for 30 years. She speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, Thai and English fluently, and has been BAMBI’s Chinese coordinator since May 2018. She took on the role of Playgroup coordinator and joined the BAMBI executive board in 2021.