Need some book recommendations for your child and for parents? Here are some titles picked by Kinokuniya for BAMBI families. (Japanese books follow the English titles. 日本語の本もお見逃しなく☆)

For Kids

Baby Medical School: Bacteria and Antibiotics (Baby University)Author: Cara Florance and Jon Florance ISBN: 9781492693987The popular Baby University series has now expanded into Baby Medical School!Bacteria are very small living things.Some bacteria are good and some bacteria are bad.Luckily, we have a family of medicine called Antibiotics that can get rid of bad bacteria.Let's find out how it all works!Turn getting sick from something scary into an engaging learning experience! In this installment of the new Baby Medical School series, Cara and Jon Florance break down how and why we get sick with the help of merry microbes and big-eyed bacteria. Kids will love following the adventures of bacteria and antibiotics in their bodies!Empower your kid with knowledge so they can understand their bodies with courage and curiosity!

For Parents

Weaning Made SimpleAuthor: Annabel Karmel  ISBN: 9781509892648Leading baby and toddler expert Annabel Karmel is here to guide you through all the unknowns and make weaning easy, achievable and fun. Packed with all the up-to-date guidance you need and a hundred delicious, nutrient-rich recipes, Weaning Made Simple takes all the complicated information and breaks it down into bite-sized, digestible chunks.Annabel has worked with a leading children's dietitian to make sure all the information is completely up to date and reliable, covering everything from supplements and allergies to catering for vegetarian or vegan diets. With a bright, bold design that's packed with infographics, charts, illustrations and photography, the book is easy to dip in and out of whenever you need it.


なんだろうなんだろう著者:ヨシタケシンスケ    出版社: 光村図書出版                  販売価格 600バーツ   出版年月 2019年12月道徳の教科書に掲載されたコラムを再編し、書き下ろしも加えて一冊の本になりました!友だちってなんだろう?しあわせって?立場って?日常のふとした瞬間にうかぶ12の「なんだろう」を徹底追究し、「たとえばこんな考え方、どうでしょう?」を提示してくれる本。難しいテーマもしなやかに、具体的に、ユーモアたっぷりに描くヨシタケシンスケ氏ならではの発想と言葉が光ります。お子さんには理解が難しい箇所があるかもしれませんが、だからこそ、長く付き合うことができる一冊です。すぐには答えの出ない世界に生きる子ども達。この本と一緒に、じっくり考える練習をしてみませんか。


ものは言いよう著者: ヨシタケシンスケ    出版社: 白泉社                  販売価格: 480バーツ 出版年月: 2019年12月数々の絵本賞を受賞している大人気絵本作家の創作の秘密がすべて詰まった、インタビュー&イラスト集。「ヨシタケシンスケのしくみ」「ヨシタケシンスケができるまで」「ヨシタケシンスケの1日」などユニークなイラスト解説のほか、アトリエ、お気に入りの本、絵本のネタ帳など写真も満載。ファン必読の、初めての「絵本作家ヨシタケシンスケ完全読本」です。ヨシタケ氏の独特な切り口や表現が生まれる舞台裏を紹介した本書は、読み物として面白いだけでなく、著者の絵本への理解をさらに深めてくれます。

About the Author

Kinokuniya is a renowned international bookshop chain from Japan, offering books in English, Japanese, and Thai. Their branches are in Siam Paragon (3rd Level Siam Paragon), EmQuartier (3rd Floor Unit 3B 01 EmQuartier Shopping Complex), and Central World (6th Floor, Isetan Department Store, CentralWorld). It also has an online store
The views expressed in the articles in this magazine are not necessarily those of BAMBI committee members and we assume no responsibility for them or their effects.BAMBI News welcomes volunteer contributors to our magazine. Please contact