BAMBI Magazine September 2023

Cover of BAMBI Magazine September 2023

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Hello BAMBI families!


We’ve already reached September! I hope you’ve had a fabulous summer with your loved ones. For me, this is the month of new beginnings and good intentions. In fact, exactly two years ago, I moved to Bangkok with my husband and we discovered “a whole new world”—the theme of this issue.


Moving to a new country is a transformative journey that encompasses far more than the practical aspects of relocation. It’s an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.


My journey began with excitement and a bit of trepidation, but I quickly learned that embracing change is essential for a successful transition. Adapting to a new culture meant adopting new customs, etiquette, and communication styles. Initially, ordering a meal or simply greeting someone required a level of skill I hadn’t anticipated. However, my willingness to learn and immerse myself in the Thai way of life helped me overcome these obstacles.


Finding my footing in Bangkok also involved embracing the city’s diverse community. I actively joined social activities and volunteered for various causes, which not only helped me meet like-minded individuals, but also enriched my overall experience of residing in a new country.


This year, I also became a mother for the first time. Ensuring my baby’s well-being in a new context was my priority. I had to inform myself about local hospitals, doctors, and the various services available during pregnancy and postpartum. This process was challenging, but with the resources provided by BAMBI, I found the right care and support to ensure a safe and peaceful journey into motherhood. The community offered invaluable advice, fostering a sense of belonging and, through BAMBI, I was able to connect to many people, creating friendships that have enriched my life.


Building a new life from scratch requires courage and an open mind. It wasn’t always easy, but the challenges I faced helped me grow and discover strengths within me that I never knew existed, and which I now cherish as invaluable assets.


September is also a month of fresh starts for BAMBI because all activities will resume, and there will be many exciting updates. We look forward to welcoming many of you to a fantastic new year!



BAMBI media coordinator


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